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Eczema Allergy - What Causes Eczema?

Eczema or topic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects one in three of us at some point in our lives. Eczema can be related to other allergic diseases such as asthma, hay fever and food allergies , eczema allergy and usually are in families where several family members are affected.

Nearly half of all cases of eczema allergy is triggered by a food allergy, and over 90 % of cases of food allergy are associated with eczema , usually from the first year of baby's life. In particular, it is estimated that the facial eczema to be the first symptom of food allergy in young children, therefore , evidence of food allergy when it comes to eczema is a sensible decision . Once detected the offending food can be removed from the diet eczema allergy, and a new diet plan designed to optimize nutrition and wellness , avoid foods that trigger allergic reactions.

Eczema can be very uncomfortable, eczema allergy and it seems to light up and then go for what seems to be no apparent reason. Eczema is not a contagious disease and affects people of all ages, but usually occurs in children 2-6 months of age. Most children outgrow eczema, but some people may lead to disease in adulthood , which tends to improve in eczema allergy middle age and is relatively rare in the previous generation.

The symptoms of eczema include itching and rashes , eczema allergy dry or cracked red plaques occurs frequently, often on the face , knees , hands and elbows.

The causes of eczema include stress, chemical irritants , dry weather and hot and cold or wet, the air conditioning or artificial heating , dust mites eczema allergy, molds and certain food allergens. The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but appears to be related to a family history of asthma or hay fever .

If you suffer from eczema, it is important eczema allergy to keep the skin hydrated with a stimulating cream low as hornblende and wear natural fabrics or to allow the skin to breathe. When bathing , avoid very hot water on the skin , use a low irritation in the body, and pat skin dry instead of rubbing . When outbreaks occur, cortisone creams are available without a prescription to treat eczema allergy the affected areas.

Avoid scratching , eczema allergy try to take a bath of cold water to reduce irritation . Wet compresses can help to heal the broken , reduce itching and soothe inflamed skin area . If these methods fail, consult a doctor about prescription corticosteroids , effective treatment to reduce inflammation and itching.

In your home, remove carpets and rugs , Leif possible, to prevent mites. Keep pets outside and wash your bedding frequently .

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